• windows will be blocked.
    For a nudism greenhorn, Saturday's swim could be an experience that could liberate
    the novice from more than just the clothes. After all, human beings are born
    nudists, says Teddy van Geemen, an event coordinator.
    "It's a remarkable sense of liberation and independence when you first attempt it," he says,
    especially when it is done with a group.
    "Social nudism is defined by great acknowledgement.
    Van Geemen's friend, Connie Robson, was commenced about six years ago when she
    "It was an exhilarating feeling of freedom," she recalls. "You can be yourself
    when you're clothing-free."
    But the instant we leave
    the womb, we are wrapped in a blanket, and the skin scarcely ever sees the light
    of day again. For the next 70 years of life, we wrap our skin in a cocoon of
    Is this healthy for our
    bodies? Were our bodies designed to be forever clothed? If you believe in
    Development, the answer has to be no. Of course progression didn't create a body
    designed for garments.
    Judeo Christian divine formation of the human body, the answer must still be no.
    That is what their bodies were
    Why have this spectacular
    organ of skin enveloping our entire bodies, every square inch of it covered with
    delicate sensory nerves and innovative temperature regulation pores, then
    wrap it up 24/7 in artificial coverings so it's all useless? Garments can keep
    But in other cases, it actually hinders with
    It's apparent a hot daytime
    would be much easier to tolerate naked than clothed. But those with expertise
    can also testify that the naked body is able to comfortably withstand trendy
    temperatures considerably simpler than most folks think, because clothing aren't
    interfering with the body's attempt to regulate internal temperature.
    against the elements, against harm while performing risky activities--these
    are good reasons for covering the miraculous organ of skin with clothing. But
    how can it possibly be healthy to never let it "breathe"--at least for an hour
    or two every day?
    Pros are now starting
    to tell us that children aren't getting enough sunlight. Between the craze of
    always remaining clothed and the latest anxiety craze of developing skin cancer,
    Kids are afflicted by a vitamin D deficiency, even to the point where that
    Allegedly archaic disease of rickets is starting to return.
    (By the way, it is much
    easier to notice a malignant skin tumor early enough for successful treatment if
    you let other folks see you naked now and after that.)
    Physical health is simply
    one aspect of nudity. What about our mental well-being?
    We are
    our bodies. Whatever approach we have toward our bodies is the approach we've
    toward ourselves.
    And what's the mind-set
    We've got toward our bodies? Shame.
    be the most pervasive emotional conditioning of our lives. We prefer to call it
    brainwashing because it is forced upon us throughout our lives, warps our natural
    Approaches toward our and others' bodies, and is a deeply emotive, irrational
    process. Psychological abuse, in our view.
    Is there a child on world
    who is born with an aversion to nudity? Does any child care about naked bodies?
    Does seeing a bare body mean anything whatsoever to a young child? Does being
    nude mean anything to a kid, other than perhaps a more comfortable state of
    dress to be in than having clothes pressed against one's body?
    What kid wouldn't love
    to rip his or her clothes off and run around naked, just for the simple pleasure
    of it?
    So where does the negative
    reaction to nudity come from?
    Do kids grow into it
    naturally? Junk! All the societies in the history of mankind that have
    No, the negative reaction
    to nudity must be brainwashed into kids.
    Through shame. Children
    won't leave clothes on unless we shame or endanger them into doing it.
    Now why is not that
    Mental maltreatment?
    From the instant of arrival,
    when they wrap that blanket around the newborn, we're emotionally conditioned
    to think of our bodies as shameful. Every minute of every day of our lives, with
    Infrequent exceptions, the brainwashing is reinforced. Every instant we cover our
    bodies we're communicating the subliminal message to our subconscious that our
    bodies are shameful and must be concealed.
    Every minute of each day.
    Is there any other type of psychological conditioning we are immersed in more?
    Even our moments of nudity
    Don't save us. When we bathe, we go into a private bathroom, close and regularly
    lock the door, pull the shower curtain, and shower nude--all alone out of sight
    of others. Bodily functions are done the same manner.
    Not even doctor's offices

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